The following are a set of curated links that I will try to maintain each time I come across a useful link for learning Python.


Doug Hellman created the Python Module of the Week blog. Each week he would look at and give a detailed explanation of one of the modules from the standard python library. He then went on to write a book on the topic and since then he seems to not update his blog as often. Anyway, it’s a fine read:


I don’t know whether to classify this as a blog, a reference or documentation. However, it is a good introduction to Python once you’ve mastered the basics (i.e. you can write simple programs) and want to move to the next step. Kenneth Reitz (one of the authors) has written many fine Python modules.

This is also an article/blog. It describes 30 lesser known features (or lesser known if you’re beginning Python). Actually, there are more than 30, but it started off as 30. You get to know the first few pretty quickly when using Python, but there are some left field items of interest.

Python Magic Methods

When creating classes, you can define how objects of the class respond to operators like ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘int()’, ‘str()’ etc. These are known as magic methods or double underscore methods as they are written as follows: __eq__(self, other).

This is a very comprehensive list of them and explains the most common ones. It is also available as a PDF. Worth downloading and printing.


This is the only tutorial that I recommend. It was written by Guido van Rossum, the author of Python.

This website is an interactive Python tutorial. I prefer using my own environment for learning Python, but this may be useful if you don’t want to go through the trouble of installing Python (which means that you’re probably on a Windows machine, since Linux and OS X come with Python installed).


Learn Python the Hard Way is a book by Zed Shaw. You are given 50+ exercises to type in and then modify. Many people have claimed that it is a great way to learn Python.

This book expands on the material in the Python tutorial, but does not go much further beyond that. It may be useful if you find the tutorial a bit terse.

Think Python had the original title “How to Think Like a Computer Scientist” and was used as a textbook for teaching computer science. A free copy of the PDF is available here:


Pycoders weekly is a weekly newsletter with articles of interest to Python developers. You can subscribe to it by visiting the following link:

This one is a mixture of a blog, a tutorial and a reference. It is called “Learn Python in Y minutes” - obviously a spoof - but a handy cheat sheet/refresher.

I came across the following blog which contains a good article explaining decorators:

This article explains how to set up a Python environment for Django. The advice is generally good and can be applied to many environments:

The following is a list of videos from PyCon 2018 held in Cleveland:

To make it easier to search for a particular video, here are the descriptions inline (Copied from: view-source:


Some of the links above come from this metalist: